A light matrix inside the body is similar to the acupuncture points or meridians in ancient chinese medicine and are found within the body.
Light resonance healing.
Light resonance healing is an alternative holistic energy approach.
Resonance healing teaches us to be in our bodies accessing the energy that is available to us so that we can learn to be fully present fully conscious human beings.
About light resonance healing our bodies contain both a physical structure and energy structure.
Clear trauma beliefs and limitations standing in your way.
This website exists to help you research and learn more about frequency machines frequencies and pemf devices that provide such frequencies.
Learn more this unique system integrates the vibrational energy of the earth with the light ether energy the integration creating a strong unified energy field.
Crystals of light willow springs.
Resonant light technology 24 years resonating with you.
Light resonance healing works with light that exists in the universal hologram outside the body to bring light within the body.
Resonance therapy resonance healing is an energy medicine energy psychology energy sociology and energy ecology healing arts meta system that innovatively serves the body mind spirit emotional social and environmental needs from the physical to the metaphysical with joy.
Resonance healing is an energy healing system remembered and developed by joy messick an internationally recognized spiritual teacher and healer.
Unified field healing system resonance healing is a healing system which integrates the earth s resonance a vibrational energy with the light of consciousness.
In resonance healing we access highest light priorities and pinnacle solutions for your highest light desired outcomes with a broad range of healing solutions.
As a healer and soul mentor nia offers her clients her full open hearted presence.